The important role of Teslaman TD2202-electrostatic electret high voltage power supply in the production process of masks

In recent months, the demand for personal protective products by medical teams and citizens in various regions has surged. Despite the emergency support from many countries around the world, everyone still reported that it was difficult to find a mask, and masks once became a valuable material.
Dedicated high-voltage electrostatic electret equipment is an indispensable equipment in the mask production line, but foreign equipment is not only expensive, but also requires a supply cycle of more than 3 months! And Teslaman is speeding up to quickly provide qualified high-voltage power supply equipment for the mask production line, shortening the previous 2-3 weeks supply period to 2-3 days. The shortening of the delivery period means that more personnel and energy are needed. At this time, our front-line engineers responded to the government's request to be quarantined at home for 14 days, and the arrival rate was less than half! Even so, we still complete the production and delivery with high quality and quantity, and do our best to transport equipment for the mask production line.
Up to now, our company has provided nearly 30 high-voltage power supply equipment dedicated to mask production lines!
The main function of the high-voltage electrostatic electret equipment in this production line is to attach static electricity to the raw materials of the mask, so that the filtration efficiency of the mask to Staphylococcus aureus aerosol with an average particle diameter of (3±0.3) μm is not less than 95% . In the past, domestic production lines used foreign dedicated high-voltage power supplies. After nearly 10 years of trials and efforts, Teslaman has launched melt-blown non-woven high-voltage power supplies, which have been recognized by domestic customers.
Teslaman people also silently contributed their own strength in this war without gunpowder smoke!