Application of Teslaman TCM6002 high voltage power supply in carbon nano-ray tube

Carbon nanotube X-ray tube (CNT X-Ray Tube) is a cutting-edge technology product, and currently there are not many players in the market. Carbon nano X-ray tubes can be divided into CNT digital X-ray tubes and CNT ordinary X-ray tubes. Among them, CNT digital X-ray tubes are the most widely used, accounting for 79% of the market share. Carbon nano X-ray tubes can be used in medical and security inspections. In other respects, a new technical approach has been opened up in the CT imaging system, and the application prospect is very large.
Advantages of carbon nano-ray tubes
In the application of CT machine, the traditional CT machine has large size and high power consumption. Using the X-ray source using carbon nanotubes, the CT body can reduce the volume and power consumption without affecting the imaging effect.
Application of high voltage power supply in carbon nano-ray tube
Since carbon nano-ray tube excitation rays also require a high-voltage electric field to excite rays, a stable high-voltage power supply is indispensable to make a complete system in such applications. High-voltage power supply is necessary for this system. drive power.
Currently, Teslaman has reached a preliminary cooperative relationship with a Canadian research and development team of carbon nano-ray tubes, and is already using the TCM6002 high-voltage source developed by Teslaman to do some related scientific experiments. The experiments are progressing smoothly. Cooperation is expected to deepen in the later period.