High-voltage power supplies have broad prospects for development in the field of scientific instruments

High-voltage power supply, the output voltage is generally more than one thousand volts, and can even reach hundreds of thousands of volts. It is a special power supply, and its technical indicators are higher than ordinary power supplies. According to the "2022-2026 In-depth Market Research and Investment Strategy Suggestion Report on the High-Voltage Power Supply Industry" issued by the Industry Research Center, high-voltage power supplies can be used in a wide range of fields, such as communications, electricity, machinery, transportation, energy, industrial equipment, medical equipment, It has been widely used in new materials, laser, nuclear industry, national defense, scientific research and other industries, and is an indispensable and important device for the development of modern society.

Benefiting from the rapid development of new energy, industrial equipment, communications and other industries, the global high-voltage power supply market continues to expand. High-voltage DC power supply has the advantages of long-distance transmission, low loss, and high reliability, and its application penetration rate is constantly increasing. Judging from its development, it is estimated that by 2024, the global high-voltage DC power supply market will reach about 4.9 billion US dollars. On a global scale, Europe, North America, and the Asia-Pacific region are the main demand markets for high-voltage power supplies. Among them, driven by the development of emerging economies, the demand in the Asia-Pacific region is growing faster.

There are many types of high-voltage power supply subdivision products, and it is difficult for a single enterprise to produce all types of products. Generally, it will improve its competitive advantage and expand market share in some market segments. In comparison, large-scale high-voltage power supply companies have stronger competitive advantages in terms of financial strength, R&D innovation, technology, market development, customer accumulation, and brand awareness. They can produce more types of products, especially in providing customized services. Excellent, can design and produce non-standard customized products with higher gross profit margin, and stronger profitability.

According to grades, high-voltage power supplies can be divided into low-end products and high-end products; according to the degree of customization, high-voltage power supplies can be divided into non-customized products and customized products. In comparison, low-end and non-customized high-voltage power supplies have low technical barriers, a large number of manufacturers, large annual output, fierce market competition, and weak corporate profitability; while high-end and customized high-voltage power supplies have high technical content and profit margins Larger, due to the higher requirements for the strength of the enterprise, the number of production enterprises is relatively small, and the profitability is better.

my country's high-voltage power supply manufacturers mainly include Dalian Teslaman Technology Co., Ltd., etc. The high-voltage power supply has the characteristics of wide adjustable voltage, high stability, high precision, and low ripple. With the continuous advancement of technology in my country's scientific instrument industry and the continuous increase in output, the market demand for high-performance, high-stability high-voltage power supplies continues Rising, powerful companies can increase the layout of this field. However, this type of product technology is more difficult, and it is difficult for companies to enter the layout if they do not have strong R&D capabilities.

On December 24, 2021, the Order of the President of the People's Republic of China (No. 103) was issued to vigorously promote the purchase of domestic instruments. It was proposed in the key special project of the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" national key research and development plan "basic scientific research conditions and major scientific equipment research and development" , develop high-stability high-voltage power supplies, break through key technologies such as high-voltage long-term stable control, low ripple noise suppression, and low temperature drift control, and realize applications in scientific instruments such as electron microscopes and ion microscopes. Although the high-voltage power supplies used in the field of scientific instruments have higher technical barriers, with the support of national policies, they can improve the core competitiveness and profitability of enterprises at the same time, so they have broad development prospects in the future.