Research on the Safety of X-ray High Voltage Power Supply for Breast Imaging Detection

In recent years, the application of X-ray high voltage power supply for breast lesion imaging detection has been widely used in the medical field. However, X-ray irradiation also imposes certain radiation doses on the human body. Therefore, the safety issue of X-ray high voltage power supply breast examination has received much attention. In order to ensure the safe operation of X-ray high voltage power supply breast examination, scholars at home and abroad have done a lot of safety research.

At present, research on the safety of X-ray high voltage power supply breast examination is mainly focused on the following aspects:

1. Optimization of X-ray high voltage power supply operating parameters

Studies have shown that by optimizing parameters such as tube voltage, tube current, and exposure time, the radiation dose of X-rays to patients can be minimized. Common optimization methods include adjusting tube voltage based on patient size, directional X-ray technology, and automatically optimizing parameters based on image quality requirements. These methods can adopt the best parameters according to the specific conditions of patients to avoid excessive irradiation.

2. Effective control of local radiation dose

For sensitive organs like the breast area, researchers have developed various new technologies that can directionally control the radiation range, such as slit beam technology, methods based on multi-leaf collimators, etc. These technologies can concentrate X-ray beams on the examined organ, avoiding radiation to non-examined areas. At the same time, precise dosimetry is utilized to monitor the radiation dose received by patients, preventing excessive irradiation.

3. Protective cooperation skills for patients

Studies have shown that taking appropriate postures can reduce the radiation dose to the surrounding normal tissues of the breast. Technicians should guide patients to take standard postures for examination and cooperate with technicians during the examination, thereby minimizing radiation exposure to normal tissues. In addition, to protect the ovaries, it is best for female patients to avoid examination during menstruation.

4. Safer contrast agent selection

For patients requiring enhanced scans, contrast agents with higher safety such as non-ionic contrast agents should be chosen, and repeated use of contrast agents should be avoided as much as possible. If necessary, renal function should be tested to assess whether the patient can tolerate the contrast agent. The reasonable use of contrast agents can reduce the risk of kidney damage caused by repeated use.

5. Strengthening practitioner protection

Operators face a higher radiation risk in the long term. Protection should be enhanced and operation procedures should be strictly followed to reduce direct exposure under scattered radiation. Occupational health examinations should be conducted regularly to monitor whether the radiation exceeds the safety dose. If necessary, job rotations should be carried out to reduce cumulative individual doses.

6. Improved quality control system

Establish a well-improved quality control system for X-ray high voltage power supply breast examinations, strictly follow the operating specifications for equipment debugging and inspection procedures, and regularly carry out linearity and dose testing. Timely maintenance and update of equipment to ensure stable and safe operation of the system. At the same time, detailed patient records should be established and individual radiation doses should be archived.

7. Standardized technical training

Strengthen standardized training of X-ray high voltage power supply breast examination technicians, conduct training on radiation protection knowledge and safe operation procedures, and improve safety awareness of practitioners. Establish technician qualification certification system to ensure operators are up to standard.

With technological advances, X-ray high voltage power supply breast imaging technology will become more precise and intelligent, minimizing radiation doses during the inspection process. While introducing new technologies, countries are also continuously improving radiation safety standards for breast imaging inspections to provide patients with safer and more reliable medical services. Giving full attention to radiation protection and establishing well-improved safety control measures are important guarantees for the healthy development of X-ray high voltage power supply breast examination technology.