The Important Role of High Voltage Power Supply in Nuclear Technology and Radiation Sterilization

High voltage power supply is one of the important basic equipment to realize the application of nuclear technology and stable operation of various radiation devices. This article will start from the working principle of high voltage power supply, and focus on elaborating its application in areas like nuclear reactors, particle accelerators, isotope production, radiation sterilization, etc. It will also analyze the key technologies of high voltage power supply like voltage stabilization control and insulation protection, so as to fully demonstrate the important role of high voltage power supply equipment in modern nuclear science research and radiation technology utilization.

I. Working Principle of High Voltage Power Supply

The main function of high voltage power supply is to boost utility frequency AC voltage step-by-step to relatively high DC voltage for stable high voltage DC output. Its basic working principle is to utilize transformers to increase voltage, then rectify and filter, and finally convert to various stabilized DC voltages through switching voltage regulator circuits, and connect them in series to form the required high voltage output. Meanwhile, the output voltage is monitored and adjusted in real time through the feedback control system to achieve voltage stabilization.

II. Application in Nuclear Reactors

The start-up and operation of nuclear reactors rely on neutron sources to excite the nuclear fission chain reaction. The operation of the neutron source driver must be powered by the stable and controllable high voltage DC from the high voltage power supply. The self-supplied power in the reactor protection system also needs reliable electric power from the high voltage power supply to support the electronic devices. In addition, nuclear reactors need huge amount of electricity to drive the cooling system. High voltage power supply is crucial to ensure the safe operation of nuclear reactors.

III. Application in Particle Accelerators

Particle accelerators use high voltage DC fields to accelerate charged particles. Both circular accelerators and linear accelerators commonly used in high energy physics research require stable high voltage power supply from tens of kilovolts to millions of volts. For example, the voltage required by large colliders can reach the billion volt-ampere level. Stable high voltage supply is the key to realize high energy acceleration of particle beams.

IV. Application in Isotope Production

Radioactive isotopes are widely used in fields like nuclear medicine and industrial detection. The artificial production of isotopes is mainly realized through nuclear reactions in nuclear reactors or particle accelerators. The normal operation of both types of equipment relies heavily on the stable power supply from high voltage power sources. The reliable operation of high voltage power supply directly determines the production efficiency of isotopes.

V. Application in Radiation Sterilization

The use of γ-rays and high energy electron beams for sterilization and insect killing of medical devices and foods is extensive. 60Co isotope irradiation and electron accelerators are commonly used radiation sources, whose power supply needs high voltage supply at hundreds of kilovolts. Reasonable high voltage power supply design directly determines the working stability of irradiation devices.

VI. Key Technologies of High Voltage Power Supply

The design of high voltage power supply needs to solve technical difficulties like voltage stabilization control, large power conversion, energy storage, and insulation protection. Methods like PWM modulation and digital control are used to improve voltage regulation accuracy; increasing cascade units to raise voltage and power levels; optimizing insulation structures to increase dielectric strength; improving shielding to reduce radiation leakage, etc. These key technologies ensure the performance indicators of high voltage power supply meet application requirements.

In summary, the extensive application of high voltage power supply is an important basis for the successful realization of today's nuclear technology and radiation equipment. The continuous advancement of high voltage power supply technology will also drive new progress in these high-end technology fields.