Application of High Voltage Power Supply and High Voltage Generator in Liquor Aging

In recent years, due to the increasing popularity of liquor, and the storage age of liquor is one of the important factors affecting the taste of liquor, there is a saying that liquor is aging. The so-called aging of liquor, as the name suggests, is a process of using artificial methods to accelerate the aging of liquor.
Commonly used liquor aging processes are divided into the following categories: 1. High temperature aging, 2. Light aging, 3. High voltage pulsed electric field aging, 4. Ultrasonic aging.
Compared with several other aging processes, the high-voltage pulsed electric field has the following advantages: 1. Short processing cycle, 2. Less heat generation, 3. Protecting the nutritional components of food, 4. It can reduce the amount of heat generated by food heating. Hazardous substances (such as acrylamide, etc.). High-voltage pulse electric field liquor aging technology has developed rapidly in brewing technology, and it is also quite advantageous for a liquor enterprise. The advantages of high-voltage pulsed electric field are applied to the liquor aging technology, which can turn the power plant into an energy source and promote various chemical reactions, especially the oxidation and esterification of liquor, so that the alcohol and acid substances in liquor can be reduced. reduce, and can generate new lipids, effectively improving the quality of liquor. High-voltage pulse power plants are also widely used in the field of liquor aging, and the effect is very obvious. The steps are simple and the processing period is short, which can be completed in tens of seconds.
The high-voltage generator of Teslaman high-voltage pulse power supply adopts digital program control, which can meet the functional requirements of various control settings of customers, and the output voltage, frequency and pulse width are continuously adjustable. In addition, it has overvoltage and overcurrent protection functions, and the nanosecond-level arcing transient response capability ensures that the power supply operates without faults, which can be applied to a variety of applications.