Teslaman ampoule leak detection high voltage power supply

Ampoules (ampoule/ampule) are small glass containers used to hold medicinal liquids. The capacity is generally 1~25ml. They are often used to store injectable drugs, vaccines, serum, etc., and are also used for the packaging of oral liquids. As far as it is difficult to open and prone to accidents, it is no longer popular. Defective ampoules or incorrect handling can result in shattering the vial when the ampoules are opened, resulting in injury to medical personnel and possible contamination by falling glass fragments into the liquid. With the surge in demand for vaccines affected by the epidemic, relevant departments have become stricter and stricter on leak detection standards for ampoules.

After years of independent research and development by the Teslaman team, the product ampoule leak detection high-voltage power supply, four-way AC high-voltage output 50kV, current 3mA, frequency 500Hz, supports PLC communication, voltage sampling, current sampling and other functions.