Application of Pulse Power Supply in Electrostatic Precipitation

With the promulgation and implementation of the new national air pollutant emission standards for thermal power plants, the original power frequency rectifier power supply and the newly emerging high-frequency high-voltage power supply cannot fully meet the increasingly stringent emission requirements, and the market urgently needs a high-quality dust removal. The power supply meets the emission requirements. As the third-generation dust removal power supply, the pulse power supply is a high-tech with the rapid development of the international dust removal application. Its power supply principle is completely different from the ordinary DC power supply. The pulse width is 50us, the pulse repetition frequency is 100HZ, the voltage of the discharge electrode of the dust collector is based on the DC voltage of negative 60KV, and the pulse voltage of negative 60KV is superimposed on the dust removal pulse power supply device. Compared with the DC power supply system, the pulse power supply system greatly improves the working efficiency of the dust collector. Generates a flare discharge. With pulse power supply, although the supply voltage is high, the pulse current is still very low, which is due to the short time of the pulse power supply. The dust removal pulse power supply can especially make the dust get a larger driving speed, which is beneficial to the collection of small dust.

The pulse power supply produced by Dalian Teslaman Technology Co., Ltd. adopts digital programming to meet the functional requirements of various control settings of customers.