The working principle of non-woven fabric electrostatic pinning equipment and the application of its high voltage power supply

Non-woven fabric electrostatic pinning equipment is a device commonly used in the production of man-made fibers. It uses an internal high-voltage power supply to generate an electrostatic field to neutralize the fibers and generate charges. Through the electric field between the electrodes, the fibers are separated from each other so that the fiber state is more uniform and the arrangement is more orderly. This article will introduce the working principle of non-woven fabric electrostatic pinning equipment and the application of its high voltage power supply.

The working principle of non-woven fabric electrostatic pinning equipment

The non-woven fabric electrostatic pinning equipment consists of two parallel iron wires that form electrodes. When the power supply energizes the electrodes, a strong electric field is formed between the electrodes. Due to the high voltage power supply, the molecules in the air are ionized, resulting in a large amount of electrons and ions, and the fiber surface also produces a certain degree of charge. The electrodes of the equipment attract and stretch the fibers, and give the fibers a considerable amount of charge. Under the action of the electric field, the fibers will rotate or collide to a certain extent, so that they become neutral and charged. Through the electric field between the electrodes, the fibers are separated.

Application of high voltage power supply

In non-woven fabric electrostatic pinning equipment, the high voltage power supply is an indispensable key part. The high voltage power supply provides the equipment with a stable high voltage and high current to generate an intense electric field, attract and stretch fibers, and achieve fiber separation and load status. Because the electrostatic field of this equipment requires a high voltage, the high voltage power supply must have the characteristics of high voltage, high current, high frequency, low noise, etc. At present, many high voltage power supplies used in production are AC regulated type, this type of high voltage power supply can provide constant voltage, suitable for the normal work of non-woven fabric electrostatic pinning equipment.

In summary, non-woven fabric electrostatic pinning equipment plays an important role in the production of man-made fibers. The high voltage power supply provides it with stable voltage and current, so that the electrostatic field can work normally and make the fiber state more uniform and orderly. With the continuous development of high voltage power supply technology, it is believed that the future technology of non-woven fabric electrostatic pinning equipment will be better applied and improved.