Analysis of Clam Sorting Systems Based on X-Ray High Voltage Power Supply

With the improvement of living standards, clams, as nutritious marine molluscs, have become more and more popular among consumers. To meet market demands, China's clam farming industry has developed rapidly. However, the traditional manual clam sorting has low efficiency and high mis-sorting rates, which severely restricts the development of farming industry. The automatic clam sorting system based on X-ray high voltage power supply emerges to greatly improve the sorting accuracy and work efficiency.

The rays generated by the X-ray high voltage power supply have penetrability to clearly image the internal structures of clams. Based on this, the automatic sorting system scans the clams with X-rays to obtain data information such as shell length, meat thickness, meat quality, and precisely categorizes clams of different specifications and quality according to preset grading standards. Compared with traditional visual inspection, the sorting accuracy of this system can reach more than 95%, which greatly reduces mis-sorting and ensures strict implementation of grading standards.

At present, the automatic clam sorting system based on X-ray high voltage power supply mainly consists of X-ray generating device, conveyor belt, detection software, executing mechanism, etc. Its working process is: first, live clams are conveyed from breeding ponds to the detecting conveyor belt, which arranges the clams in a line along the traveling direction, so that each clam can be fully scanned when passing through the X-ray window. The shooting sequence of the X-ray device is precisely controlled to obtain data such as shell length and thickness of each clam. These raw data are transmitted to the analytical software to judge the grading level of each clam by comparing with the database, and the results are sent to the backend executing mechanism. The executing mechanism then sorts the clams into different collecting containers according to the grading standards. The whole process realizes mechanized and automated operation, which greatly improves work efficiency.

The sorting system also features networked monitoring function. Operators can remotely view the operating status, check data and adjust parameters without onsite operation, which greatly saves labor costs. Some companies have also developed AI-based detection systems that automatically analyze X-ray images using deep learning technologies to improve sorting accuracy. In general, the automatic clam sorting system based on X-ray high voltage power supply transforms the traditional sorting mode, enabling standardized and intelligent clam grading and sorting, which is of great significance for promoting aquaculture upgrading.