Analysis of Electromagnetic Compatibility Design for Industrial CT High-Voltage Power Supplies

Industrial CT imaging technology has extremely high requirements for image clarity, while the electromagnetic environment can cause serious interference to the CT scanning process. Therefore, the electromagnetic compatibility design of CT high-voltage power supplies is crucial for the imaging quality of the system.

CT high-voltage power supplies generate relatively strong electromagnetic radiation during operation, which can cause EMI interference to other equipment. To reduce radiation interference, metal shielding enclosures can be used for covering, and filters can be installed at the input and output ports for suppression. Careful layout and shielding between key components is also needed to prevent common-mode noise interference. 

CT systems are also very sensitive to external electromagnetic interference, especially the influence of strong RF fields. Thus, the high-voltage power supplies must have sufficient anti-interference capabilities. Using twisted-pair cables, metal enclosures to improve enclosure shielding, adding filter circuits, selecting components with good interference resistance, and using fiber-optic isolation are all effective means to enhance interference immunity.

Due to the effects of high-voltage discharge, the power supplies can feedback significant noise to the circuit, which affects image quality. Proper shielding and filtering, selecting low-noise components, can significantly improve feedback noise. Thermal design is also very important, and electromagnetic interference from cooling fans must be taken into account.

Rational PCB layout is the basis of EMC design. Key noise sources and susceptible circuits should be separated in layout, and signal traces must be short and compact. Establishing a reliable grounding system is also critical for reducing circuit noise interference.

Finally, complete EMC testing on the product is needed to discover problems and continue optimizing. Only by comprehensively applying EMC design methods and ensuring good electromagnetic compatibility of the power supplies, can the CT system provide clearer images for the benefit of society.