Applications of high voltage power supply in flight time mass spectrometry

Flight time mass spectrometry (FIM) is a basic principle of a analytical technique that, by collecting the scattering spectrum signal of multiple samples in the time domain (usually in nanoseconds or picoseconds), analyzes and compares these signals to determine the components and concentrations of the samples. FIM technology has many characteristics, such as fast, efficient, and sensitive, and has broad applications in material science, chemistry, and biomedicine. In the FIM technology, the high voltage power supply is an important part that plays a critical role in transforming electrical energy into high voltage electric field for accelerating and analyzing the samples. In this paper, we will explore the application of FIM technology and high voltage power supply from the perspectives of FIM technology basics, types of high voltage power supply, functions of high voltage power supply in FIM, and application examples from the fields of environmental analysis.
FIM technology basics
Flight time mass spectrometry (FIM) is a kind of analytical technique based on the principle of mass spectrometry. It breaks down the sample into ions and converts them into electrically charged particles by applying high-energy electrons, and accelerates and analyzes these particles to form the scattered spectrum signal. The scattered spectrum signal can be used to determine the types, quantities, and structures of the ions in the sample. FIM technology has the characteristics of fast, efficient, and sensitive, and is an important analytical technique in materials science, chemistry, and biomedicine.
Types of high voltage power supply in FIM technology
The high voltage power supply is an essential part of FIM technology, and its function is to convert electrical energy into high voltage electric field for accelerating and analyzing the samples. The high voltage power supply can be divided into direct current high voltage power supply and alternating current high voltage power supply two types.
The direct current high voltage power supply is generally composed of multiple batteries in series, and its voltage can reach hundreds of volts. The direct current high voltage power supply has the advantages of stable output voltage and high power density, and is suitable for accelerating and analyzing large-sized samples.
The alternating current high voltage power supply is to convert the direct current power supply through transformers and other devices into alternating current power supply, and its output voltage can reach thousands of volts. The alternating current high voltage power supply has the advantages of stable output voltage waveform and high power density, and is suitable for accelerating and analyzing small-sized samples.
Functions of high voltage power supply in FIM technology
The high voltage power supply plays a critical role in FIM technology, and its functions can be divided into the following aspects:

Accelerating electric field: The high voltage power supply can transform electrical energy into high voltage electric field for accelerating the samples. The accelerating electric field can make the ions in the sample acquire enough kinetic energy to cause scattering in the mass spectrometer.

Sample treatment: The high voltage power supply can be used to treat the samples, for example, by changing the electric field direction and magnitude to modify the molecular structure and molecular polarity of the sample, thus improving the analysis sensitivity.

Data acquisition: The high voltage power supply can change the scattering spectrum signal intensity of the sample by varying the electric field strength and direction, thus obtaining more data.
Applications of high voltage power supply in FIM technology
High voltage power supply has a broad application range in FIM technology, such as in environmental analysis, which is used for detecting pollutants in the air and water. In environmental analysis, FIM technology is commonly used for analyzing pollutants in the atmosphere and water. In the analysis of pollutants in the atmosphere, the high voltage power supply can be used for accelerating and analyzing the samples, thus improving the analysis sensitivity.
In the analysis of pollutants in the water, the high voltage power supply can be used for sample treatment, for example, by modifying the electric field direction and magnitude to modify the molecular structure and molecular polarity of the sample, thus improving the analysis sensitivity.
In summary, the high voltage power supply plays a critical role in FIM technology, and its functions are critical to the acceleration electric field and analysis sensitivity of the samples. With the continuous development of science and technology, the application range of high voltage power supply in FIM technology will also be continuously expanded, providing more efficient and accurate analytical methods for research and application in various fields.