Reliability Verification and Performance Analysis of High-Voltage Modular Power Supplies in Lidar Ranging


With the rapid development of technology, Light Detection and Ranging (Lidar) has become a high-precision, high-efficiency ranging technology widely used in fields such as autonomous driving, terrain mapping, and aerospace. As one of the core components of the Lidar system, the performance of the high-voltage modular power supply is directly related to the stability and reliability of the entire system. This article will conduct an in-depth analysis of the reliability verification and performance of high-voltage modular power supplies in Lidar ranging from a professional perspective.

I. Application of High-Voltage Modular Power Supplies in Lidar

The Lidar system requires a high-power, high-stability laser source, and the high-voltage modular power supply is the key component that provides the necessary energy for the laser. It can convert low-voltage direct current (DC) into high-voltage DC to meet the driving requirements of the laser. In addition, the high-voltage modular power supply must also have characteristics such as high efficiency, low ripple, and low temperature rise to ensure the long-term stable operation of the Lidar system.

II. Reliability Verification of High-Voltage Modular Power Supplies

To ensure the reliability of high-voltage modular power supplies in Lidar ranging, a series of rigorous verification tests are required.

1. Environmental Adaptability Test: Simulate various harsh environmental conditions that the Lidar system may encounter, such as high temperature, low temperature, humidity, vibration, etc., to test the working stability of the high-voltage modular power supply under these conditions.

2. Lifetime Test: Observe the stability of the output voltage and current of the high-voltage modular power supply during long-term continuous operation, as well as whether there is any performance degradation.

3. Electromagnetic Compatibility Test: Assess whether the electromagnetic interference generated by the high-voltage modular power supply during operation meets relevant standards and the degree of interference with other electronic devices.

4. Overcurrent and Overvoltage Protection Test: Verify whether the high-voltage modular power supply can timely initiate protection mechanisms when encountering overcurrent, overvoltage, and other abnormal conditions to avoid damage to the Lidar system.

III. Performance Analysis of High-Voltage Modular Power Supplies

After rigorous reliability verification, a thorough performance analysis of the high-voltage modular power supply is still needed.

1. Output Voltage Accuracy: High-precision output voltage is one of the key factors to ensure the ranging accuracy of Lidar. The high-voltage modular power supply should have good voltage regulation performance to ensure that the laser always works in the best state.

2. Efficiency: The efficiency of the high-voltage modular power supply directly affects the overall energy efficiency of the Lidar system. A high-efficiency high-voltage modular power supply can reduce system energy consumption and extend working time.

3. Ripple and Noise: Low ripple and noise help improve the signal quality of the Lidar system, thereby improving ranging accuracy. Therefore, when selecting a high-voltage modular power supply, attention should be paid to its ripple and noise indicators.

4. Size and Weight: With the continuous miniaturization of the Lidar system, the size and weight of the high-voltage modular power supply have also become an important consideration factor. Lightweight, compact high-voltage modular power supplies are more conducive to the integration and deployment of the Lidar system.


In summary, high-voltage modular power supplies play a crucial role in Lidar ranging. Through strict reliability verification and comprehensive performance analysis, we can ensure that the selected high-voltage modular power supply meets the high requirements of the Lidar system and provides strong support for applications in fields such as autonomous driving and terrain mapping. In the future, with the continuous advancement of technology, the performance of high-voltage modular power supplies will be further improved, injecting new vitality into the development of Lidar technology.