How to avoid material breakdown in high voltage power supplies

High voltage power supplies are used to output high voltage DC power and have a wide range of applications, including air purification, static electricity, plasma generators, medical instruments, and more. However, during the operation of high voltage power supplies, material breakdown can occur, leading to reduced performance and shortened lifespan. Therefore, it is essential to address the issue of material breakdown in high voltage power supplies.

Material breakdown refers to the phenomenon of discharging when the electric field strength applied to the two electrodes of a dielectric exceeds the electrical breakdown strength of the dielectric. In a high voltage power supply, if material breakdown occurs, a large amount of energy is released instantly, causing the power circuit to overload and leading to reduced performance, shortened lifespan, and potentially endangering the safety of personnel.

To solve the problem of material breakdown in high voltage power supplies, we can take the following measures:

1. Material selection: Choose materials with high voltage resistance and high insulation performance for the electrodes and dielectric of the high voltage power supply, which can reduce the electric field strength between the electrodes and ensure the reliability and lifespan of the high voltage power supply.

2. Material surface treatment: Use special insulation coatings or generate insulating oxide layers on the electrode surface to reduce the surface roughness and surface discharge, thus reducing surface breakdown.

3. Electric field uniformity: Design a suitable structure and path between the electrodes to ensure a uniform distribution of the electric field, reducing the concentration gradients and maintaining a sufficiently uniform voltage distribution. This reduces the likelihood of excessive electric field strength leading to material breakdown.

4. Control of output parameters: Control the output voltage, current, frequency, and waveform of the high voltage power supply according to the specific application scenario, reducing the workload and risk of breakdown.

In addition to the above measures, the design of a real-time monitoring system and emergency protection mechanism is also crucial. By installing monitoring devices, signals can be sent out in the event of a breakdown within the high voltage power supply, and emergency protection can be initiated according to preset procedures, closing the protective circuit to prevent excessive current from occurring and avoid harm to other equipment and personnel.

In summary, to address the issue of material breakdown in high voltage power supplies, we need to comprehensively consider the material selection, surface treatment, electric field uniformity, and control of output parameters while also installing a monitoring system and emergency protection mechanism to ensure reliability, safety, and efficient operation of the high voltage power supply.