Key Innovations and Experimental Verification of High-Voltage Power Supply in Electrostatic Charged Research

In numerous industrial application fields, electrostatic charged technology has attracted significant attention due to its unique advantages. Electrostatic chargers can maintain a stable electrostatic charge on nonpolar materials and are widely used in areas such as dust removal, air purification, sensors, and electronic products. However, in the field of electrostatic charged research, high-voltage power supplies play a crucial role in providing the necessary high-voltage direct current and constant current and voltage for experiments. This article will discuss both the technological innovations of high-voltage power supplies and their experimental verification in electrostatic charged research.

## 1. High-Voltage Power Supply Technological Innovations and Advantages

1. **High Efficiency**: The adoption of advanced topological structures and magnetic component designs has significantly increased output power and power density. Compared with traditional power supplies, products with the same power level have smaller volume, lighter weight, and higher efficiency, reducing experimental costs.

2. **High Precision**: The control accuracy of output voltage and current has reached ±1%, ensuring the accuracy and stability of electrostatic charged applications. At the same time, the output voltage is adjustable within a certain range, allowing users to set parameters according to experimental requirements.

3.**High Safety**: The product is designed with full consideration of safety measures, including overcurrent, overvoltage, short circuit protection, etc. Ensure the stability of high-voltage output while protecting the safety of operators and equipment.

4. **Intelligence**: Built-in microcontrollers have realized the remote control and monitoring of the power supply. Users can also obtain the working status of the power supply in real-time through computers or mobile devices to analyze and handle possible faults promptly.

## 2. Experimental Verification of High-Voltage Power Supply in Electrostatic Charged Research

To verify the performance and stability of high-voltage power supplies in electrostatic charged applications, we have designed a series of experiments. In the experiment, we used a high-voltage power supply with the above advantages to provide a high-voltage direct-current power supply for the chargers.

1. **Stability Test**: We continuously operated the high-voltage power supply for one hour and recorded the fluctuations of output voltage and current. The results show that the high-voltage power supply has good stability in the long-term operation process, with fluctuations within ±1%.

2. **Dynamic Response Test**: To test the dynamic performance of the power supply, we simulated sudden changes in output load. By observing the recovery time of output voltage and current, we found that the power supply has excellent dynamic response capabilities, with a recovery time of only a few tens of microseconds.

3. **Electrostatic Charged Effect Test**: We applied the high-voltage power supply to electrostatic charged experiments and evaluated its charging effect by measuring the electrostatic capacity and electric field strength of the chargers. The experiment found that the high-voltage power supply produced good electrostatic charging effects, meeting the experimental requirements.

In conclusion, the high-voltage power supply discussed in this article has demonstrated strong strength and broad application prospects in technological innovation and experimental verification. In the future, with the advancement of technology, high-voltage power supplies will play a greater role in electrostatic charged research and promote the development of this field.